The Big Lebowski. Am I wrong? Am I wrong? Okay then.
Fever Pitch. Jimmy Fallon actually works as the lead in a role that's as close to playing himself as he'll ever get. Though he did get a little pissed when Drew kept calling him "Adam" off-camera.
Bull Durham. Incredibly, this list of the 50 Greatest Sports Films puts Bull Durham ahead of Rocky. Too bad Ron Shelton wasn't born a decade earlier, he'd have a Best Picture Oscar over his fireplace.
Little Giants. Is it coincidence that football movies are good and baseball movies are great? And that football movies are funny and baseball movies are hilarious? This is a good football movie that's funny, extra point for being kid-friendly.
He Got Game. Spike Lee tried really hard. Maybe a little too hard, as He Got Game is at once wonderfully authentic, poorly acted and 45 minutes too long. One of the worst performances in cinematic history comes courtesy of Al Palagonia, (which must be Italian for "Pal of Spike Lee") whose turn as super-agent Dom Pagnotti is about as bad as it gets and the reason this is a movie not a film.
Kicking and Screaming. Will Ferrell is always fun to watch playing sports (Semi-Pro, Talladega Nights, Blades of Glory) but K'ing and S'ing is due a special nod for being one of the funniest PG movies to come out in the '00s. If you have soccer kids, this is a buy.
The Greatest Game Ever Played. It's not the greatest film ever made, but for golf fans, Shia is your Spider-Man. Hi, I'm Francis. Have Ouimet?
School Ties. The Dead Poets Society of the 90's, School Ties basically started the careers of Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Brendan Fraser (you're welcome) and Chris O'Donnell. Even ol' Will Hunting's boy Cole Hauser makes his debut.
Can't believe Bull Durham got 'Honorable Mention.' blasphemy!
ReplyDeleteHere's my Top 20-- on Bull Durham, it's a movie that actually annoys me. If I were forced to watch it end to end at this moment, I'm not sure...I...could...get...through......it.